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Biochemistry II

winter semester - summer semester
The list of structures for the test of Biochemistry
The lectures' review questions

Information about the practical training:
- use your own laboratory coat (without it you will not be allowed to participate and you will be considered absent),
- come to practical classes with the corresponding protocol (printed out in advance) and prepared for the lesson according to that protocol (see below)
Credit conditions:
winter semester

- participation in seminars and laboratory practices (2 absences allowed)
- presentation of laboratory reports
- participation in the written tests
summer semester
- participation in seminars and laboratory practices (2 absences allowed)
- presentation of laboratory reports
- participation in the written tests
- laboratory analysis of uknown sample of serum or urine (independent task)

2nd year - winter semester


Lectures Seminars Protocols for practical trainings
Biosynthesis and degradation of proteins
Cholesterol and its transport
Detoxification of endogenous and exogenous compounds
Electron transport chain, oxidative phosphorylation & mitochondrial transport systems
Fatty acid metabolism
Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis
Glycoproteins and mucins
Integration of metabolism
Koagulace a fibrinolysa
Krebs cycle
Mechanism of enzyme catalysis
Metabolism of acylglycerols and sphingolipids
Metabolism of amino acid
Metabolism of erythrocytes
Metabolism of heme
Metabolism of iron
Metabolism of nucleotides
Metabolism of pentoses, glycogen, Fru and Gal
Synthesis and degradation of fatty acids
Synthesis of proteins
Urea cycle
Amino acid conversion
Biochemical methods, proteins
Evolution of proteins - the role of domain; Principles of proteomics
Extracellular fluids
Hormonal regulation of glycaemia
Immunochemical methods
Kinetics of enzyme reactions
Macroergic bond does not exist
Metabolism of leukocytes and platelets
Plasma proteins
Protein conformational disorders
Proteins of extracellular matrix
Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism
Regulation of lipid metabolism
Alkaline phosphatase
Hormonal regulation of glycaemia
Protein assays
Urine analyzes


2nd year - summer semester

Lectures Seminars Protocols for practical trainings
Biochemistry of acidobasic regulations
Biochemistry of adipose tissue
Biochemistry of blood
Biochemistry of bone
Biochemistry of cardiac muscle and lung
Biochemistry of hormones derived from amino acids and proteins
Biochemistry of liver
Biochemistry of neurodegenerative diseases and prions
Biochemistry of skin
Biochemistry of thyroid hormones
Cell signaling
Contractile proteins; molecular aspects of contractility
Cytokine receptors and signal transduction
Digestive enzymes
Free radicals
Hormonal regulation and circadian rhytms
Intracellular Ca signalling
MAP kinases
Mechanisms of vision
Metabolisms of gut
Minerals and trace elements
Steroid hormones
Abnormal composition of urine
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)
FA receptors, lipid rafts
Metabolic effects of CO2
Methods of immunodiffusion and precipitation in gels
Monomeric G proteins
Signal transmission at synapses
Chromogenic assay for the quantitative determination of antithrombin activity in plasma
Immunoprecipitation techniques
The determination of AST and ALT activity in blood serum

Allan D. Marks, MD: Basic Medical Biochemistry a Clinical Approach, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009
R.K. Murray et al.: Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, twenty-sixth edition, McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003
Color Atlas of Biochemistry